
Airport Management​

C/NCIA is managed by a staff of 30 full and part-time employees responsible for: administration – business, HR, finance, marketing, public relations, and accounting; public safety – law enforcement and fire service; custodial; building, grounds, and vehicle maintenance; leasing and development; construction; and parking operations.

Casper/Natrona County International Airport
8500 Airport Parkway
Casper, WY 82604
307.472.6688 (phone)

Glenn S. Januska, A.A.E.
Airport Director
307.472.6688 ext. 212

Tatum Hlavacek
Director of Finance and Administration
307.472.6688 ext. 216

Michael Gray
Operations and Public Safety Manager
307.472.6688 ext. 227

Jake Hlavacek
Director of Operations and Maintenance
307.472.6688 ext. 221

Flight Status Information

Arrivals Departures